Product Details for: Nabi-HB Product Label Grayed out Product Label links indicate that there is no product label available for the product.
Product Label Grayed out Product Label links indicate that there is no product label available for the product.
Product Number | Dosage Form | Route of Administration | Strength | Product Presentation | License Type | Proprietary Name | Marketing Status |
001 | Injection | Intramuscular | 312IU/ML | Single-Dose Vial | 351(a) | Nabi-HB | Disc |
002 | Injection | Intramuscular | 1560IU/5ML | Single-Dose Vial | 351(a) | Nabi-HB | Rx |
Proper Name
Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (Human)
BLA Number
ADMA Biologics, Inc.
Original Approval Date
October 23, 2001
Date of First Licensure